Natural balm for foot pads and noses 50 ml

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Our skin balm for paws and noses is 100% natural.

Made with natural fats and oils. The primary ingredient is Wagyu beef fat from animals raised in Burgos, in conditions with animal welfare certifications. It is a local and 100% natural product. With essential orange and kiwi oils.

It’s designed to moisturise and nourish the skin on both the foot pads and nose, preventing it from cracking. It can also be used for the elbows.

Application: We recommend applying it at the end of the day, before sleep or just as they are falling asleep, to avoid them licking it off.

Storage: We recommend storing it at room temperature if you want to maintain a creamy texture, or in the fridge if you want a more solid texture. Wagyu beef fat is known for its healthy properties. It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and it melts very easily, which is why we can achieve different textures by storing it in the fridge or at room temperature. We recommend avoiding exposure to heat or the sun as it will turn it into liquid.

Contains no chemical products.

Cruelty free.

Produced in Burgos, Spain.

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ingredientes primera categoríaSin conservantes ni colorantesAlimento deshidratado baja temperatureaNo contiene sub productos animalesHipoalergenicoSin gluten

99% Wagyu beef fat, 1% essential orange and kiwi oil.
Opiniones Ekomi

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