Brewer's yeast, 100g

Brewer’s Yeast, 100 g

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100% natural supplement for cats and dogs

Premium quality: very high bioavailability.

Important nutrients such as amino acids, B vitamins, enzymes, minerals and trace elements are naturally present in brewer’s yeast and are highly bioavailable.

Phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese and trace elements such as cobalt, molybdenum, chromium and selenium make an important contribution to your dog’s and cat’s daily diet.

Provides a dense, glossy coat.

It has a positive effect on the intestinal flora and the immune system.

Especially recommended during pregnancy, the first few days after giving birth and during moulting.

Also recommended to help dogs and cats switch to a natural raw diet.

Antiparasitic action: Brewer’s yeast should be administered continuously in the summer months to maintain its repellent action, especially in the case of fleas.

This function is due thiamine, a B-complex vitamin which, just like garlic, changes the smell and taste of the dog’s blood, making it unpleasant and rejected by parasites.

Store in a cool, dark and dry place.

Content 100 g powder

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ingredientes primera categoríaSin conservantes ni colorantesAlimento deshidratado baja temperatureaNo contiene sub productos animalesHipoalergenicoSin gluten

100% ground brewer’s yeast, with no added ingredients. Lunderland brand

Small dogs/cats: 1 grams daily

Medium dogs: 2 grams daily

Large dogs: 3 grams daily

A teaspoon of yeast is about 2 g 

Protein 35%, Crude fibre 7.2%

Opiniones Ekomi

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